OUR teams
want to get involved?
At Destiny, serving is one of our core values. We believe it is an exciting opportunity to serve God and contribute to the growth of the church. Serving basically means rolling up your sleeves and getting involved. A good way to start serving is by joining one of the many teams in the church. Our church is comprised of a great variety of people doing a wide range of things to make our meetings and our church engaging, welcoming and full of life. Below you will find a description of the teams waiting to hear from you. Help us make a difference!

Destiny Kids
We are an all age church and this includes kids. The word tell us to 'present every man complete in God'. Our goal is to also present every child complete in God. This involves kids having a relationship with God, standing on His word, filled with the Holy Spirit, deepening in knowledge and faith and sharing their faith with others. Kids make church fun and relevant. Your involvement will will help develop their faith and ensure every child is complete in God.
Media, Sound and Graphics
We live in a world of social media, good looking pictures and story telling. We want to tell the story of Jesus in a way that speaks to the minds and hearts of the 21st century. From photographers, video directors, graphic designers, sound engineers and social media experts; there is a place for you. Help us make a difference by communicating the story of Jesus through every channel.

We know from Acts chapter 3 that administrators contributed greatly to the growth of the New Testament church. In fact, without administrators and other helpers, the New Testament church would not have sustained their growth. Likewise, today they play a huge part in ensuring every part of the church is administered well and therefore growing strongly.
Worship Ministry
In the book of Psalms there are many references where the author says to 'sing to the Lord a new song', to praise Him for His goodness and to 'play skilfully with a shout of joy'. The worship team are essential in leading the church in worship: praise and worship for Sundays, Healing meetings, Street Outreaches and so much more.

Destiny Angels
Destiny Angels exist to support people through crisis while empowering them with new life opportunities.
This is achieved through a variety of different projects, courses and by partnering with other organisations.
You will support others budgeting their finances, struggling for food, gaining new parenting skills or they may just need someone to talk to.