growth groups
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Growth Groups are our mid-week small groups that meet in homes and facilities in London.
Growth Groups are:
A place for ongoing learning and discipleship.
A place for everyone to be loved, cared for and looked out for.
A safe place to bring friends with questions about the Christian life.
A place we do life with each other, have fun, pray and look at the Bible together.
Being part of a Growth Group means no matter how big the church becomes someone will always notice you, pray for you and look out for you.
Get together regularly.
Relate well with God and with each other.
Outreach to our families, friends and communities.
Wait on God: prayer, breaking bread, spiritual gifts.
Teaching: studying together and applying God’s Word to our lives.
Help anyone we can as often as we can.
"So let us concentrate on things which make for harmony among us and on the growth of our fellowship together." (Romans 14:19)