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We are destiny, we will help you find yours


We are destiny london

How we can help you


Find Jesus 


You cannot know God, unless He reveals himself to you. This is exactly what Jesus has done, He came to earth from heaven to show us the way to God the Father. You must believe in Jesus to get to know God the Father. It is because the Father is perfect, and the only way to know Him is by being perfect like Him. To be perfect is through accepting Jesus' perfection. Jesus exchanged His perfection for our sin. Now right from the moment you accept Jesus, you become perfect as God is, and you will know Him eternally. 


Find community 


We want to welcome you to a community of believers who follow Jesus and believe in Him. There are great benefits to being part of a christian community. You will grow in your faith in God with others. You can join community events. You can serve God in it. And you can find a place you can belong and just be yourself. Nobody else, just yourself. 


find Destiny


Whenever Jesus asks anybody to follow Him, He always gives them a purpose to live for. It is exciting to follow Jesus because He is not somebody who thinks small, but huge. God has great plans to change the world, and He uses people to do it. He could have done it a different way, but He enjoys working with us.

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Destiny Church London |Growth Groups, Baptisms & Online Church | London, UK

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17


T: 07700137686 Sun - Friday (9am to 6pm)



C/O Destiny Church London

70 Cathedral St, Glasgow G4 0RD

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